Adding Target Connections

Add a Pinecone Target Connection


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Go to to view your indexes and retrieve your API Keys

1. Click "Indexes" to view all of your active Pinecone indexes

Navigate to the Indexes section.

2. Click "API Keys" to access or create your Pinecone API Keys

Access the API Keys tab.

3. Copy your Pinecone API Key

Copy your Pinecone API Key

4. Switch to the Context Data platform

Open a new browser tab and go to the Context Data platform.

Login or create a Context Data account at

5. Click the "Connections" dropdown

Access the Connections feature.

6. Click "Target"

Select the Target option.

7. Click "New Connection"

Initiate a new connection.

8. Click "Pinecone"

Choose Pinecone as the connection type.

9. Enter a name to identify your connection

Provide a unique identifier for the connection.

10. Enter your Pinecone index name

In this example, we will use the "jaffle-index" from the screenshot above

11. Paste your Pinecone API Key that you copied from above

Enter the specific Pinecone API Key.

12. Click "Test Connection"

Verify the connection by testing it.

13. Click "Save"

If your connection test is successful, you should see a button to save the connection

Add a Qdrant Target Connection


Go to your Qdrant Cloud account at to retrieve your cluster information and API keys

1. Get your Qdrant Credentials

Log into your Qdrant cloud dashboard to see all of your running clusters. Click the expand button on the left hand side of your chosen cluster to see the cluster details

2. Get the Qdrant Cluster URL

Once the cluster info has been expanded, you can view and copy your cluster URL

3. View all collections within the cluster

To view all of the collections within the cluster, click the 3-dot icon on the right hand side of the page and click "Dashboard"

4. View all collections within the cluster

Copy the name of your desired collection

5. Create your Cluster API Key

In order to create a new API Key for your cluster, go back to the dashboard and click "Data Access Control" on the left hand side of the page and then click the "Create" button

6. Select Cluster to assign the API Key to

Select the Qdrant cluster(s) you want to assign the API Key to

7. Copy your Qdrant API Key

Copy the newly created API Key for the new cluster

8. Click the "Connections" dropdown

Access your data connections.

9. Click "Target"

Select the target for the new connection.

10. Click "New Connection"

Initiate the process of adding a new connection.

11. Click "Qdrant"

Choose Qdrant as the connection type.

12. Enter a name to identify your connection

Assign a unique name to the connection for identification.

13. Enter your Qdrant Collection Name

Enter your Qdrant Collection Name

14. Enter your Qdrant API Key

Provide the Qdrant API key.

15. Enter your Qdrant Cluster URL

Provide the Qdrant Cluster URL

16. Click "Test Connection"

Verify the connection.

17. Click "Save"

If your connection test is successful, you should now be able to save your Qdrant connection.

Add a Weaviate Target Connection


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Go to your Weaviate Cloud account at to retrieve your cluster information and API keys

1. Get your Weaviate Credentials

Log into your Weaviate Cloud account and locate your cluster. On the right hand side of the cluster, click the down arrow button

2. Find your Cluster URL & API Keys

Once you click the down arrow, you should be able to locate the cluster URL as well as the button for the API Keys

3. Copy your API Keys

Once you click the API Keys button, you should be able to copy your keys

4. Click the "Connections" dropdown

Access the connections settings.

5. Click "Target"

Select the target connection type.

6. Click "New Connection"

Create a new connection.

7. Click "Weaviate"

Choose Weaviate as the connection type.

8. Enter a name to identify your connection

Assign a name to the connection for identification.

9. Enter your Weaviate API Key

Provide the Weaviate API Key.

10. Enter your Weaviate URL

Specify the Weaviate URL.

11. Enter your Index name

Select the Index Name if desired.

12. Click "Test Connection"

Test the connection to Weaviate.

13. Click "Save"

If your connection test is successful, you should see a button to save your connection

Add a Supabase Target


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1. Go to and create an account if you don't already have one

Once you create an account, you should be redirected to the dashboard as below

2. Create a new project

Click the button to create a new project

3. Enter your project details (project name and password)

Enter all required information including your project name and password

4. Once your project is created and the project status is green, the project is ready.

Click the "Connect" button to see your login credentials

5. Copy the connection URI to a notepad and substitute the placeholder with your actual password

Copy the URI, substitute the password and replace the "postgres" prefix with "postgresql"

6. Go to the Supabase documentation for vecs ( to understand how to create tables

The documentation provides optimal ways to create your vector tables

7. Here is our example using the Supabase documentation

We're going to create a table called "customers"

8. Once you are done with the table creation process, come back to Supabase and go the "Table Editor"

Navigate to "Table Editor" on the left hand side of the page

9. You should now be able to see your newly created table

You should now be able to see your newly created table

10. Click the "Connections" dropdown

Access the connection settings.

11. Click "Target"

Select the target option.

12. Click "New Connection"

Create a new connection.

13. Click "Supabase"

Choose Supabase as the connection type.

14. Enter a name to identify your connection

Provide a unique identifier for the connection.

15. Copy and paste the URI that you copied from the Supabase connection above

Remember to change the prefix from "postgres://" to "postgresql://"

16. Enter your table name

Enter the table name, preferably the table name that you created above

17. Click "Test Connection"

Verify the connection.

18. Click "Save"

If your connection test is successful, you should see a button to save the connection

Add a Singlestore Target Connection


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1. Sign up for a Singlestore cloud account if you do not already have one

Singlestore provides trial accounts that allow you to build databases without having to provide a credit card

2. Create a new workspace group

Create a new workspace group where your database will be located

3. You will be directed to a new page confirming you want to create a workspace

Click the "Create Workspace" button

4. Enter a workspace name and a database name

Enter a workspace name and a database name

5. Once the workspace has been created, you will be redirected to your workspace

Workspace View

6. Click the "Connect" button to create your database credentials

Click "Connect" and then click "Your App"

7. Confirm your username and password

You will be provided with a default username and password. Click the "Create User" button to create the user account

8. Get and copy your login credentials

Click on the "SQL IDE" tab and you will be shown your login credentials. Make sure to keep it safe

9. Go back to your workspace page in order to go to your SQL IDE

Let's create table now from the SQL IDE

10. Run the SQL Create Table statement

Best practice is to create the table with these three (3) columns. The "content" column for the actual data value, the vector column for the vector data and a metadata column for a json representation of the data

11. Go back to the Context Data platform an Click the "Connections" dropdown

Access the connection settings.

12. Click "Target"

Select the target option.

13. Click "New Connection"

Initiate a new connection setup.

14. Click "Single Store"

Choose Singlestore as the connection type.

15. Enter a name to identify your connection

Provide a unique identifier for the connection.

16. Enter all of the connection information that you copied from Singlestore

Enter the correct information

17. Click "Test Connection"

Verify the Singlestore connection.

18. Click "Save"

If your connection test is successful, you should see a button to save the connection

Last updated